fireworks with silhouetted people and American flags in Albany, NY

Protect Your Hearing This July

Summertime has quickly approached, and you may be looking forward to spending time outside doing all of your favorite activities. During the month of July many people enjoy shooting fireworks or watching firework shows in celebration of Independence Day. Although fireworks are beautiful to look at and a great way to spend time with friends and family, did you know they can be harmful to your hearing?

Fireworks are a type of explosive that produce a high level of sound that can be damaging. Fireworks are incredibly loud, reaching between 140 to 170 decibels. This type of level of sound can be detrimental to your hearing and can have lasting effects, such as noise-induced hearing loss.

How Loud Is Too Loud?

Sound is measured in decibels. The higher the decibel level means the louder the noise. For adults, any sound that is over 85 decibels can be harmful to your hearing when exposed on a regular basis. For loud impulse sounds, such as fireworks, the human ear can hear up to 120 decibels before damage can occur to the hearing nerve.

On the decibel scale, fireworks are one of the highest levels as they produce the loudest sound when they explode. Because fireworks are dangerous for our hearing, it’s important to protect your ears whenever you are exposed to them.

How Can I Protect My Hearing?

Custom fit hearing protection is the best way to keep your ears safe during the summer months. You can still enjoy fireworks but you should wear earplugs in order to prevent noise-induced hearing loss. If you have already been exposed to a loud impulse sound, whether it be fireworks, a gunshot, or loud machinery, then you should visit us for an appointment. We can test your hearing and diagnose any signs of hearing loss, helping you be proactive about your ear health.

Some common symptoms of exposure to loud impulse sounds include:

  • Temporary hearing loss
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Speech seeming muffled or distorted
  • Permanent noise-induced hearing loss

Keep Your Ears Safe This Summer

Make hearing protection apart of your 4th of July celebration! Be sure to keep your hearing healthy and safe by wearing earplugs when you watch fireworks this season. Being proactive will keep your hearing safe now and in the future. You should also let the people in your life know that fireworks can be harmful to their hearing and encourage them to wear hearing protection as well.

Together, we can spread awareness about hearing health and help everyone be proactive against hearing loss. If you have any questions about hearing protection or if you would like to have your hearing tested, contact us today.